Undetected ground faults are the cause of many home electrical fires and currently, there is no cost-effective way to monitor every circuit in a home. Electrical fire-related injuries, deaths and property damage can be reduced significantly with proper monitoring and repairs. CurrentLeak™ is easily installed into the main breaker section of the electrical panel by a licensed Electrician and monitors all of the electrical branch circuits in the home. A warning signal will activate if ground fault levels reach unacceptable limits.
Usually, a fault occurs during maintenance or renovation of an electrical system. When this happens, CurrentLeak™ looks at the magnitude of the ground-fault current, recognizing it as a fault. Seeing the fault immediately provides you with the best proactive protection possible.
By using CTs and monitors, you can check an electrical system during acceptance testing of the installation and also during maintenance and renovation of the system. As well, by taking continuous measurements of the ground leakage current, you can instantly recognize a change in the condition of the electrical system. This helps ensure no faulty connections are left undetected, no faulty equipment is connected to the electrical system, and helps predict insulation faults before the circuit breaker trips. It also provides a warning that sensitive devices connected to the electrical system may start to malfunction.
While we have GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) & AFCI (arc fault circuit interrupter) protection on some branch circuits, these devices can and will fail to perform. Occupants in residentially occupied spaces are not fully aware of how the GFCI’s and AFCI’s protect their electrical system and therefore have no idea whether they are working or not. By monitoring every circuit in the system, this will ensure the safe operation of the entire electrical system and provide added peace of mind to the homeowner knowing their home is fully protected.
100 Amps,
15 Years
200 Amps,
8 Years
100 Amps,
40 Years